
Getting My Lips Done at Imats I Lip Kandy Glitter Lips

I had so much fun at the Lip Kandy booth at Imats this year. Check them out next at the Golden State Tattoo Expo, Taking Place this weekend Pasadena, CA. I'll also be there so stop by & say hi! Imats and the Golden State Tattoo Expo both take place at the Pasadena Convention Center, conviently located right off Colorado Blvd.

Golden State Tattoo Expo I Alegra Chetti Imats 
I've been coming to both conventions for the past 4 years and always have the best time. Pasadena is such a beautiful town, nestled in the Santa Monica mountain range. There's so much to do besides the conventions.. great restaurants, hiking, shopping and so much more. Of course it doesn't hurt that the weather is absolutely gorgeous in January, when the conventions take place. Every day feels like the perfect spring day in NY, where I'm from. 

LA. MUA I Glitter Lips Lip Kandy I Golden State Tattoo Expo
In my Imats Youtube video,  I also show some of the new affordable makeup line I'm living for called Lurella Cosmetics. 

I can't get over how much I love this great quality, inexpensive makeup line. 

Lip Kandy Glitter Lips Review

Lip Kandy I Golden State Tattoo Expo 
The Lip Kandy lips wore comfortably and lasted through several meals. I had to take them off with makeup remover at the end of the night. They would not budge, yet felt weightless! I love how they sparkled and made my feel uber glam.

Lip Kandy

Thanks to  Los Angeles makeup artist Annie of The Lipstick Coven for my gorgeous Lip Kandy glitter lips!  
I'll be at the Golden State Tattoo Expo this weekend, as will Lip Kandy. Stop by and say hi =)

Golden State Tattoo Expo

I'm also so happy I did get to meet LipstickNick

Plus, Don't Miss my Lurella Cosmetics makeup giveaway.. more makeup goodie giveaways coming soon!



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